Monday, December 24, 2012

Certified Public Accountant Miami, FL: A CPA Can Save You a Big Headache This Spring.

Call us crazy, but it’s never too early to get going on your taxes. April may seem like a ways away but it’ll be here before you know it. Many Americans have trouble filing their tax returns because there is so much to consider. Do you want to file them using standard deductions or itemized deductions? What can and cannot be written off?  Is there a difference between filing my personal taxes and the taxes for my business? There are tons of other questions like these where the answers are not so cut and dry. Trying to figure all of the answers out on your own can be a total nightmare.
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If you’ve got your own business then hiring a CPA, like those at Canner, Brody & Yan, LLC in Miami, can save you a lot of time and money. Usually those who own a business stand to gain the most from a CPA because you generally have more deductions than you initially thought. A lot of this information is readily available online, but not many people have the time or energy to go and look for it. Using tax software has made it relatively easy to just punch in the numbers and let the computer do the rest, but a certified public accountant will be able to save you money in areas you never would have thought. It may feel like a big accomplishment to file your taxes by yourself, but it makes a lot of sense to have a professional do it for you.
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Meeting with a tax professional one on one to discuss your finances is a great way to build trust with someone who handles one of the most important parts of your life. Don’t think of a CPA as someone who just crunches the numbers and that’s it. Many fulfill the role of financial analysts who can help with anything from investment advice to planning for the future. A CPA is someone who looks out for you. Many CPAs expand their working hours when it gets close to tax season. For example, starting on January 15th, Canner, Brody & Yan, LLC will be open on Saturdays so clients who work during the week can still take advantage of meeting with a CPA one on one.
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Starting your taxes as early as possible is a great idea for a bunch of reasons. First of all the IRS is really busy around March and April so getting your returns in before that means you get your refund faster. You also avoid the frantic scramble of those who forget until only a few days before the returns are due in April. If you need a CPA in Miami who goes the extra mile and guarantees you’re happy with the results, call the CPAs of Canner, Brody & Yan, LLC.

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